We are here to open the doors to possibility in your life.
We are Certified Retirement Coaches and both of us belong to the Boomer generation.
Our training has expanded our perceptions of retirement and the possibilities open to us as we age.
Those possibilities are only limited by our view of what can be.
Conscious Retirement was born out of our parallel journeys. We are curious women seeking learning and enlightenment with respect to how we can have the most positive impact in our service to the world. We followed individual paths of course – we each built a body of independent work coaching individuals and groups from all backgrounds, and all ages to build new capacities and to reach desired goals. Yet the paths intersected in a profound learning experience with Integral Coaching Canada® and as a result, we are both Master Integral Coaches™. We have completed deep learning on what it means to be human, to learn more about your true self, your gifts, your fears, your way of seeing the world such that you sometimes thrive, and sometimes struggle.
This rich history has been extremely gratifying to us and has now combined to create Conscious Retirement– customized education and coaching designed to guide people in creating a blueprint for their best possible 3rd Chapter lives. It is our mission to educate and inspire our peers and to create increasing opportunities that may change the trajectory of retirement on the planet!
I have been coaching people about their life transitions and challenges for more than 15 years. I take great delight in developing individualized approaches to my work with clients. Whether working with an individual, or a group, I create opportunities for people to explore their own circumstances and discover new ways of approaching life and creating success for themselves.
Being of service to people wanting to retire, or discover how to live their best 3rd Chapter, feels especially appropriate because I am part of this age group myself.
I see retirement as an opportunity to design a way of life that is congruent with what really matters to us and allows for our increasing ability to manage whatever life may bring.
I have been coaching people through all types of Career and Developmental transitions for more than 15 years. Sometimes the role includes helping people to decompress from a long, hard driving career. We reflect, assess and co-design a forward path.
For people who are considering Retirement but, not quite sure, I share about how my mom sometimes drives the car – one foot on the brake and one foot on the gas! Retirement design could be that way too.
In our 3rd Act, we can learn to be still and, in parallel, actively re-invent ourselves aligned to purpose. This makes space for the best version of ourselves to emerge for the rest of our lives. This work for me is rewarding, inspiring and a privilege.